Sunday, March 4, 2012

Moxie Bars

The Moxie Bars are amazing! Just like a chewy granola bar. I made them with my sister and we didn't dehydrate them or anything. If you like something sweet in the morning, it's perfect for that, although I prefer one in the afternoon with some tea or almond milk. They stay good for a week! We used blueberries for the fruit and Warrior Food Superfood and raw cacao nibs for antioxidants. 

I wouldn't worry about your materials being raw. If you have a nice honey or agave, that will be fine but I have been surprised to fine those products at mainstream super markets such as Ralph's. We used raw honey and honestly, I'm not sure if a few drops of stevia would do the trick because the honey was like the glue that held it together...I would go honey or agave for sure.
My sister and I were thinking the blueberry spread is supposed to be like a "frosting" since if you dehydrate them it becomes cake like. I say, screw it, throw the blueberries in the mix with everything so it's gooey throughout.

If I haven't mentioned this already or if you don't know by now, my idea of following a recipe is looking up a few different ones and then picking what I like most from each one. It's all experimental! 

Moxie Bars:
Tools: Food Processor S Blade, Small Glass Dish (brownie size), Dehydrator (optional - makes it cake like)

2 cups walnuts
4 TBS coconut or almond butter
1/4 cup of superfood (good for blood sugar, greens for protein, antioxidants such as raw chocolate, probiotics)
2 Cups low glycemic fruit - blueberries, strawberries or soaked dried figs
3-5 drops of stevia or 1/3 cup of raw agave or raw honey
dash of cinnamon

Blend walnuts, superfood, honey and cinnamon (if you're adding agave or honey add while blending to keep smooth) to create dough balls. Put mixture in glass dish and press down. Top with fruit such as pulsed blueberries

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