No that's not pink slime on my shirt. Just breakfast.
Let's get straight to the point: I feel amazing. Whole new lease on life. God bless. Got home after a hellish 12 hour day, had a couple handfuls of cashews, a pear, and a mandarin orange for dinner (I ate my trail mix that was supposed to last three days and an entire bag of brackers in addition to my smoothie and salad at work), walked the dog, and was in bed at 8. Amazing what a difference a day makes. Yesterday was definitely an, "I'm hungry all day day." So glad it's over.
Rumil called me in a panic this morning about pink slim
while I was freaking out about kony.
"All I can think about is all that ground beef I just bought from Costco." God bless the Internet. I'm not comparing kony to pink slim, but Rumil would never, ever, ever have any idea about pink slime if it weren't for things going viral. I'm like, "this is old news, honey. And this is why you buy organic, grass-fed beef."
Sidebar: NYT first came out with the article in 2009.
While he does buy organic ground beef from Costco (budget shopping, my friends), restaurants are a whole other story. I'm 100% positive our favorite hole in the wall Mexican restaurant in Santa Ana uses conventional ground meat fried in fat. For sheesy. But this a great concept for him to consider that I had nothing to do with! Manufacturer's lie. They are all out for profit. They'll even sell you pink slime, call it an "additive," and toss it in your meat without you ever knowing...until now! Yes! It's true!
When you're a veg in a meat eaters world, news going viral like this is a miracle! He still might not fully get why I'm trying to (and for the most part am) off of packaged food, but at least he's one step closer.
Sent from my iPhone
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