Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Reminder of why I'm making the switch

now read:

What set this whole cleanse thing off for me was GMO's. There was so much discussion of GMO's at the Women's Wellness Conference. I figured if I stayed away from the white stuff and packaged food I would, for the most part, be avoiding GMO's. They are everywhere. This is why I really want to start buying all organic. Yes it's expensive, and I'll be the first to admit I bought non-organic cashews yesterday from Costco. I made the justification for non-organic too. "These are affordable." "These are practical."

I also purchased Houweling's green house grown tomatoes on the vine and I stood there for 15 minutes researching the company so I could justify buying those too. When grown in a greenhouse you don't need soil, therefore they don't get weeds, therefore you don't need herbicides. They're also grown locally, in Camarillo, and are a family business that has been around since 1956. They use renewable energy, solar electric power, water conservation, and are award winning in 2011 for environmental and economic leadership.

Am I trying to make myself feel better? Yes. Did I justify buying the tomatoes? Yes. Did I do research first? Yes. I didn't just blindly buy them. There were three to choose from. The other two options were conventionally grown in Mexico, so obvi they were out.

After all this rampage, I just googled, "Are Kirkland Cashews GMO?" and PCC Natural Markets website came up. They support non-GMO and have a page dedicated to it on their website. This is good.

What's slightly annoying is that my eye only caught the bold print...Contains: cashews. Funny how I completely read over the part that said Ingredients: cashews, peanut oil and salt. At least they're non-GMO, but that is a fine example of how an extremely aware and mindful consumer is just as easily confused as the person that doesn't give two hoots about whether those nuts have been processed.

It's only been a week since being off the white stuff and packaged foods, and I have made great strides. The hardest thing so far is the almond milk. It's just so easy to use the stuff from the box. This is a work in progress but I am happy to say, other than the nuts, this is basically the only processed food I have been using.

On a funny/maddening note, I forgot to mention the goji berries I bought from Whole Foods for the bargain price of 20 bucks a fiance happened to take a liking to them and started dumping them down his throat! It makes me crazy. He did this before and after eating an entire package of GMO movie theater "butter" popcorn. Which, btw, he bought on a Costco trip solo.

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