Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Vegetable Broth Recipe...Day Three of Cleanse

I knew my fiance was feeling an increase of energy when he bounced out of bed at 5:30 this morning. 

"I can't believe I have energy like this.  It's 6 in the morning and I feel amazing," he declared after he, quite literally, jumped out of bed.  Picture: me typing his comments on blackberry while he excitedly steps on the scale.

"When was the last time you were there?" I ask.
"Never in my life.  I think I need to get on the Wii Fit.  I might have hit my goal. I may never eat meat again."  Music to my ears!

"How good does 185 look?" As he checks himself out in the mirror caressing his stomach, he says, "Energy and weight loss in one?!  You want coffee?"  If the man wants coffee, let him have it. Black of course. And water first which he poured himself this morning...unheard of as he is usually covering his head under the pillow trying to pretend like daylight hasn't come.

The energy is amazing, the weight loss is fabulous but his poop is funky. I had a nice solid movement at home but when I got to the office, holy smokes, I think I lost two more pounds! It feels so good to get all that backed up nastiness out of my body.  Nacho cheese Saturday, homemade macaroni Sunday. Mother's Day was crazier than our birthday party.

Rumil had so much energy he made my salad so I could do a quick rinse down and he even packed my pear in a little produce bag so it didn't get destroyed like yesterday's.  He offered to quickly heat me up some of my special homemade broth I made yesterday but I'd rather sip on it and have it be more of a ritual experience than gulp it down or worry about it spilling in my car.

I was really looking forward to a nice walk with Twiggy but after all that drama, I ate my half sandwich, we went on a quick jaunt through the hood and I got to work on my broth.  Lots of cilantro. Lots and lots of stems left over from the salsa I made for Cooking Club.  I would say that has been challenging (having it leftover) because it just goes so well with those organic tortilla chips from Costco. All I can think about when I look at the salsa is salty goodness, which many days is my afternoon snack.  While my broth was cooling I had some taco like romaine leaves that I used to dip in the salsa.  Again, close, but no dice.

Sip and Sweat Vegetable Broth:

All ingrdients are frozen vegetable "scraps."

Cabbage, chopped
Kale, torn with stem
Butternut Squash, cubed
Bulb of Garlic, wacked
Cayenne Pepper, Cumin, Mexican Seasoning/Italian Seasoning/Curry Powder, Fresh Cracked Pepper, Salt to taste. If you have fresh rosemary, thyme, cilantro, etc., throw that in there.

It really doesn't matter what vegetables you have. You can toss whatever you want into some filtered water...just enough to cover. Bring the water to a boil and then reduce to a simmer for at least one hour. It's amazing and I promise you will never buy store bought broth again. Ever.

Let's talk about sleeping.  Rumil fell right to sleep last night which is nothing short of a miracle. Between him flailing around like a salmon all night and Twiggy expecting pillow space, the sleep has not come easy. He's 6'3, I'm 5'8, Twiggy weighs 6lbs.  Put those 3 factors on a queen size bed and guess who gets pushed off? Me! Rumil is in the middle, Twiggy is in my spot and I'm hanging on for dear life kicking and pushing him back over to his side.

How can you wake up on the right side of the bed when you're sleep deprived so it is with much happiness that I can report both of us have slept through the night. Quite fantastic, see, Rumil has ADD (un-medicated) so he thinks the television or his iphone helps him fall to sleep. I always try to tell him that the television and phone continue to stimulate him but he says it helps him turn off the old noggin.  I say, say your prayers.  It's focus without stimulation and I always fall asleep mid prayer.

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